What do you think is the biggest opportunity for our industry in the next 10 years?
The Construction industry is responsible for approximately 40% of all carbon emissions in the UK. Therefore I believe that through investment in research, technologies, and a committed approach to change, we can take the lead in helping the UK achieve its Net Zero Carbon ambitions and targets.
The emerging data supports the idea that optimising the number of Pre-Manufactured components on a project through the use of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) has the potential to also reduce whole life carbon of homes. MMC allows a systemised approach to development, resulting in simpler designs and less overall waste, and factory settings allow greater opportunities for waste to be recycled and repurposed.
What is your favourite building and why?
I am drawn to old churches of all types from the grandeur of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona to the simplicity of the Old Aker Church in Oslo. I have great respect for of awe for the craftsmen, and builders and for the materials used. I truly respect their ability to build such beautiful structures with the tools and technology they had available.