We took some time to chat with Louis, one of our recent successful APC candidates, to celebrate and to reflect on his journey to becoming a RICS Chartered Quantity Surveyor. Here’s what he had to say…
I joined the industry aged 18 and spent 4 and a half years completing my Quantity Surveying degree whilst working full-time as a Trainee Surveyor with Core Five’s Engineering Services team. During this period I gained invaluable real-world experience that proved extremely beneficial for my APC.
What was the biggest challenge you faced and how did you overcome it?
The biggest challenge I faced was that, being an Engineering Services Surveyor, my experience in some of the more typical QS contractual activities was sometimes somewhat limited as these would generally be undertaken by my building QS colleagues. To overcome this, I worked very closely with those around me who have a wealth of knowledge and experience, I had regular reviews and Q&A’s organised to ensure any gaps were discussed and plugged.
What support did you receive during the preparation of your APC?
The support at Core Five was incredible, with so many people offering to help with Q&As, mock interviews and reviewing my document. Anyone who has undertaken the APC knows how stressful it can be so, I’m always happy to assist and support those going through the process in any way I can.
What advice would you give to others starting out or in the process of undertaking their APC?
I would advise anyone starting their APC journey to be proactive and begin writing their experience record as soon as possible. This gives you a foundation to study and revise, as well as buying you more time to revisit and fine-tune your document before submission.
I would also suggest taking up the opportunity to engage in as many Q&As as possible, with a variety of people. They are never fun to begin with, but over time will prove so useful and allow you develop your answering skills.
Finally, in the build up to your assessment interview try not to over-revise, focus on key areas and have confidence in your knowledge and experience.
What did you do to celebrate?
The celebrations are ongoing! I was working from home on a sunny Friday afternoon when I first found out, so I couldn’t get to the pub quickly enough! Since then I have managed to unwind with a week in Spain.