A new fit out from shell and core to provide a bespoke office across two floors of 25,000ft2 with an industrial factory floor of a further 25,000ft2 in Royston, Cambridge.
The offices included a large staff restaurant, feature staircase within the new reception and meeting room suite including demonstration rooms. The factory floor included specialised testing facilities, manufacturing areas as well as storage facilities.
Key Project Features
- Bespoke services installations to suit the factory floor and demonstration areas
- Works delivered from shell and core to minimise waste and removing existing unsuitable Cat A installations
- Project delivered within a new greenfield site as part of a regeneration development
Core Five Added Value
- Our experience of new build regional schemes and relevant data meant we could advise accurate costs and key design metrics early in the transaction stage, allowing informed decisions to be made from the outset
- Our knowledge of the supply chain and procurement market allowed tenders to be sought from suitable contractors
- Final account agreed at Practical Completion